A 2017 National Sleep Foundation survey found that one in four American couples sleep in separate beds, usually due to snoring. Those couples who do not sleep apart often lose an hour or more of sleep each night due to a partner’s snoring. Snoring and sleeping apart isn’t just about your physical health, it takes a toll on your relationship. Many of us have woken up to side eye from a dog or cat due to our snoring.

But this doesn’t have to continue to be your experience. For most of us, snoring can be treated easily and comfortably, without a large medical device. For most of us, a small dental appliance can be designed and built specifically to fit each of us individually. This will not only help our physical health, but it will also improve our relationships.

Sleep Apnea can affect anyone – even famous athletes.
For example, Shaquille O’Neal’s snoring was impacting
his household such that his wife voiced her concern
and led him to learning more about OSA. Shaq Attacks
Sleep Apnea
provides an in-depth review of the steps
to learn more about sleep apnea and how it related to
his everyday life.

See Resources to view this video. Also, in Resources you’ll find another video DOCTALK DENTAL BY MEDMARK MEDIA, 01/02/2020” where Shaquille O’Neal and Dr. Jonathan Greenburg further discuss sleep apnea and Shaq’s transition from a CPAP to a dental sleep appliance.